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Friday, February 10, 2012

Pink lady signature races 2012

PINKS - This is YOUR year to accomplish your goals! So do something that maybe scares you and empower other women while showing yourself, your friends and your family how strong you really are! If you've never done a triathlon and want to try one - lil washington on May 20 is the race for you to start! You can use our free 10 week training plan as a guide. Our monthly clinics will inspire and help you along the way! So whether you race or cheer us on put these dates on your calendar!
2012 promises to be an awesome race year for the pink ladies.

Please note our 5 signature Pink Lady races:
1. March 10: Azalea sprint Tri at UNCW (sold out)
2. March 18: Quintiles 1/2 and full marathon
3. May 19-20: FS series 50; sprint Tri (this is a fun girls weekend-don't wanna miss this one) - see link below
4. September 22: Wilmington YMCA sprint Tri at Wrightsville beach (www.setupevents.com)
5. Oct 20: Beach to Battleship 1/2 and full Ironman (can do relays too) http://www.beach2battleship.com/