We've upgraded our website! Please visit:


Friday, February 10, 2012

Pink lady signature races 2012

PINKS - This is YOUR year to accomplish your goals! So do something that maybe scares you and empower other women while showing yourself, your friends and your family how strong you really are! If you've never done a triathlon and want to try one - lil washington on May 20 is the race for you to start! You can use our free 10 week training plan as a guide. Our monthly clinics will inspire and help you along the way! So whether you race or cheer us on put these dates on your calendar!
2012 promises to be an awesome race year for the pink ladies.

Please note our 5 signature Pink Lady races:
1. March 10: Azalea sprint Tri at UNCW (sold out)
2. March 18: Quintiles 1/2 and full marathon
3. May 19-20: FS series 50; sprint Tri (this is a fun girls weekend-don't wanna miss this one) - see link below
4. September 22: Wilmington YMCA sprint Tri at Wrightsville beach (www.setupevents.com)
5. Oct 20: Beach to Battleship 1/2 and full Ironman (can do relays too) http://www.beach2battleship.com/

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Bike Clinic

HELLO Pink Ladies! We are diligently working on getting our email/newsletter set up but wanted to let you all know about our upcoming bike clinic.

Join us Wednesday, February 15 at 6-7:15pm for a bike clinic/trainer ride with a Q&A session from one of the highly qualified BikeCycles staff and other experienced pink ladies.
What do you need?
-Bring your bike (or a friends)
-Your trainer (this is that little dohickie that holds your back tire and creates resistance so you can bike inside) **Let us know you don't have one so we can have one reserved for you
-Water bottle and towel!
So get ready to learn how to change those gears effectively and ride more efficiently. But most importantly have fun, get sweaty and meet other pink ladies!
PLEASE RSVP to ehinshaw@ec.rr.com if you plan on attending. Thanks and can't wait to see you all!

*Also for those that ordered a tri top and haven't paid ($50) you can mail them to The Pink Ladies, 203 Summer Rest Rd, 28405.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Girls we are designing our tri tops as we speak. They are gonna be awesome!! You will love them I promise and just imagine how cool it will be to see all the hot pink ladies running through the shoot to the finish line! 
We are using Louis Garneau for our race apparel. This is the same racerback tops as our TriWilmington ones from last year. Please let me know asap if you are interested in getting one as we need to put the order in ASAP. Only $50! Also if you have a racerback tri top from triwilmington last year that you can let us borrow for fit kit purposes that would be great. All sizes needed. Let me know.

pinkladiestriteam@gmail.com or elizatblack@ec.rr.com

Thursday, January 5, 2012

And Away we go!

Pink Ladies Board Members
President, Eliza Blackwell; Sami Winter, VP and Treasurer; Elizabeth Hinshaw, Secretary; Jane Ellison, Charitable Liaison

Welcome to The Pink Ladies website! Since July 2010 we have been an “informal” group of ladies dedicated to empowering each other through the sport of triathlon and other athletic endeavors.  We decided that it was time to become an “official” group which will allow for better organization and for us to further spread our goals to all the ladies of the Wilmington community, as well as being able to “give back” to the Wilmington, NC area through different charitable goals each year. This year our charity is Nourish NC! It's an amazing opportunity to help those children in need locally! 

Our December 2012 kickoff was an amazing success! We look forward to training, motivating and empowering you all! Our complementary Azalea Tri training plan is ready to go! Visit the training page link on the right for details. Coach Buxton is ready to help you with questions and concerns on her forum too! Take advantage of this awesome and free opportunity!

As Pink Ladies, we've trained and raced everything from our first 5k to our first Ironman!  We support all women and strive to empower each other through our training.   Whether you walk, run, tri, swim, or bike; we believe in motivating those who choose to race or just meet new athletic and healthy goals.  We are here to support you all the way as you chase your dream of a tri, a 5k, or even an Ironman.  We are old friends, new friends, mothers, daughters, sisters and wives—We are the Pink Ladies! Come join us!

                                          December 14, 2011 Kickoff Party Pics

Need volunteers for 1/10/2012

Looking for volunteers next Tuesday morning to NourishNC!  For more scoop, check out the charity page!

Monday, January 2, 2012

1/5/2012 Stuff the backbacks with Nourish NC

Pinks: Check out the latest news on our charity page:
Got lots going on indeed! Come join us and support!